
Little Free Library

Fall 2018 • CS 465 (User Interface Design)

#School #Java #Android Studio #Wireframing #Prototyping


Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that fosters book sharing and exchanges through registered bookcases around the world. In order to increase accessibility and visibility of the books to potential users, we created a platform and inventory system for the LFLs in the Champaign-Urbana area that allowed people to catalog their exchanges and see what books are currently available around them.


▶ Responsible for wireframing and prototyping, creating logo

▶ Worked in Android Studio for mobile app development

▶ Helped with research and conducting face-to-face user testing with functional prototype

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Logo depicting three books inside a white-colored little fre library

Logo made in Photoshop

Wireframes displaying functionality of viewing nearby little free libraries, adding books, and checking out books

Example wireframe screens that were employed for user testing

App screen showing nearby Little Free Libraries App screen after favoriting a Little Free Library App screen showing genre and age filtering options for book list

Example final screens